::the food chicks::

two berkeley girls love food and love talking about food

May 18, 2004

Chez Melissa, Jamie, Shinie and Kathy

A culinary treat that you readers won't be able to try (unless you just so happen to be one lucky enough to befriend these lovely ladies) was the scrumptious dinner these girls created this past saturday. While the food was sadly not for the women, I was lucky enough to try some of the shrimp scampi and was treated to the perfect amount of butter, garlic, pepper and LEMON. With six George Forman grills, steaks were cooked to tender perfection and topped with sauteed mushrooms. The meal began with a lovely green salad with tomatoes, raisins, mandarin oranges, walnuts, avocado and feta cheese, creating a symphony of freshness. (Haha) Thanks to the fly that flew into the very salad pictured below, us girls were able to try some of this great salad. The night was topped off by lovey deserts in the form of cheesecake and lemon tarts. The orange/lemon/lime punch concoction was the perfect blend of juices, ice and a touch of soda. Simple recipies (easy enough for us to follow), but great tastes and flavor. Awesome job girls!


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